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How to Make Korean Fried Chicken

by 아이스 카페모카 2024. 8. 23.

How to Make Korean Fried Chicken

Korean fried chicken is a globally loved dish, known for its crispy texture and savory seasoning. Making this chicken at home is simpler than you might think, and with just a few basic ingredients and some attention to detail, you can achieve results that rival those of professional restaurants. In this guide, I'll walk you through a detailed recipe and some tips to help you successfully make Korean fried chicken at home. Follow the recipe below, and even beginners will be able to easily create delicious chicken.


To make Korean fried chicken, fresh ingredients and proper preparation are key. The basic ingredients you'll need are as follows. The amount of each ingredient can be adjusted based on personal preference and the number of people you're serving, but if you stick to the basic ratios, you'll find it easy to succeed.

  • Chicken: Choose your preferred cuts, such as wings, drumsticks, or breasts. About 1kg of chicken is suitable for 3-4 servings.
  • Frying powder: A must-have for crispy fried chicken, you'll need about 1 cup (about 120g). It's convenient to use frying powder that's readily available in stores.
  • Potato starch: This important ingredient adds extra crispiness to the chicken. You'll need about 1 cup (about 120g). Cornstarch can be used as a substitute, but potato starch gives a crunchier texture.
  • Water: Prepare about 1/2 cup (about 120ml) to adjust the consistency of the batter. You can adjust the amount of water based on the thickness of the batter.
  • Salt: You'll need 1 tablespoon (about 15g) for seasoning both the chicken and the batter. Salt plays a crucial role in enhancing the flavor.
  • Pepper: Add a bit of spiciness with 1 teaspoon (about 5g) of pepper. Pepper enhances the flavor of the chicken.
  • Garlic: Use the equivalent of 3 cloves of minced garlic. Garlic helps to remove any off-flavors from the chicken and adds depth to the taste.
  • Ginger: Use 1 teaspoon (about 5g) of minced ginger. Along with the garlic, ginger helps to eliminate any undesirable flavors and adds its own unique aroma.
  • Cooking oil: Prepare enough oil for frying. Typically, you'll need enough oil in a deep pan to fully submerge the chicken.

Chicken Preparation Process

  1. Preparing the chicken: Clean the chicken thoroughly and then use a kitchen towel to remove any excess moisture. Any remaining moisture can cause the oil to splatter dangerously when frying, so be sure to dry the chicken well at this stage. Next, season the chicken with salt and pepper. Adding minced garlic and ginger at this point will help to neutralize any off-flavors and add depth to the taste. When seasoning the chicken, make sure it's evenly coated, and let it marinate for at least 30 minutes to an hour for a deeper flavor.
  2. Making the batter: Mix the frying powder and potato starch well in a large bowl. Gradually add water while stirring to create a thick batter. The consistency of the batter greatly affects the texture of the chicken, so add water slowly to achieve the right thickness. If the batter is too thin, the coating will be light, and if too thick, the fried coating may turn out too heavy and not as crispy. Aim for a moderately thick batter that adheres well to the chicken.

Frying the Chicken

  1. Preheating the oil: Pour enough cooking oil into a deep pan and heat it over medium heat. The temperature of the oil is crucial for achieving a crispy texture. The ideal temperature is around 170-180°C (340-355°F). Maintaining this temperature will ensure that the chicken cooks through while the exterior becomes crispy. To check the oil temperature, you can insert the end of a wooden chopstick into the oil—if bubbles form around it, the oil is ready. Alternatively, you can drop a small piece of batter into the oil and see if it floats immediately.
  2. Frying the chicken: Coat the seasoned chicken evenly with the batter. Be careful not to apply too much batter, and ensure it is evenly spread. Carefully place each piece of chicken into the preheated oil. Avoid adding too many pieces at once, as this can lower the oil temperature, resulting in less crispy chicken. Fry in batches if necessary.
  3. First fry: Fry the chicken over medium heat for about 5-6 minutes. During this process, the outer layer will turn golden brown and form a crispy coating. To ensure the chicken is fully cooked inside, fry it slowly, giving it enough time to cook through. Once the chicken is done, remove it from the oil and place it on a paper towel to drain excess oil. Removing the excess oil will help the chicken remain crispy and less greasy.
  4. Second fry: After the first fry, heat the oil again and give the chicken a second fry. The second fry should be short, about 2-3 minutes, to maximize the crispiness. Double frying is a great technique to achieve that ideal crispy-on-the-outside, tender-on-the-inside texture. You can serve the chicken immediately, or let it cool slightly—it will stay crispy either way.

Enjoying the Chicken

  • Turning it into Yangnyeom Chicken: While fried chicken is delicious on its own, you can also enjoy it as yangnyeom chicken by adding a sweet and spicy sauce. Mix gochujang (Korean red chili paste), ketchup, sugar, and corn syrup to make the sauce, then toss the fried chicken in it. You can adjust the spiciness and thickness of the sauce to your liking. Make sure to coat the chicken while it's still warm so that the sauce adheres well.
  • Serving with Pickled Radish: Korean fried chicken pairs wonderfully with pickled radish, which helps cut through the richness of the chicken. Pickled radish is a must-have side dish that you can easily make at home or buy from a store. Cut the radish into bite-sized pieces and pickle it in a mixture of salt, vinegar, and sugar. Let it sit for a day before eating for the best flavor.
  • With a Beer: Fried chicken and beer (known as "chimaek" in Korea) are a match made in heaven. The crispiness of the chicken and the refreshing quality of the beer make for a perfect combination to unwind after a long day. Add some pickled radish, and you've got the ultimate chimaek experience.

Tips for Cooking Chicken

  1. Batter ratio: A 1:1 ratio of frying powder to potato starch will give you crispy chicken with a tender inside. Potato starch contributes to a crunchy texture, while the frying powder helps keep the inside soft. This ratio is key to making perfectly crispy chicken.
  2. Importance of the second fry: The second frying process enhances the crispiness of the chicken. Don’t skip this step—it’s what elevates the texture to the next level. This method is often used by professional chicken shops, and it’s easy to replicate at home.
  3. Controlling oil temperature: The success of your fried chicken largely depends on maintaining the right oil temperature. If the oil is too hot, the exterior will burn before the inside is cooked; if it’s too cool, the chicken will absorb too much oil and become greasy. Keep a close eye on the temperature and adjust the heat as needed.
  4. Marinating the chicken: Letting the chicken marinate after seasoning will deepen the flavor. Marinate for at least 30 minutes to an hour. During this time, the seasoning will penetrate the chicken, resulting in a more flavorful dish. Store the marinating chicken in the refrigerator to keep it safe and maintain the texture.

Now, you’re ready to make perfect Korean fried chicken at home! Follow this recipe, and you’ll get great results even on your first try. Don’t miss the chance to enjoy the crispy texture and rich flavor of Korean fried chicken right in your own kitchen!
